NoteWorthy at Verity College in Indianapolis

I was gone for 3 week to Indianapolis at Verity college. I was there for a 3 week music college intensive course. What a great time I had!!! I was able to learn so much, and make so many new friends. There was a lot of studying for all the classes, but it was very informational. The classes that we had were: Music Theory, Music History, Music Notation, Choir, Song Writing, The Why of Music, Scripture in Song, Conducting, Orchestration, children's Choir, Hymnology, and Piano Pedagogy.  My favorite class was probably Hymn Writing, and Children's Choir. Made so many great friendships, and will keep in touch with everyone.
 Here was the schedule:
7:15 Breakfast
8:00 Chapel
9:00 Songwriting or Hymnology
10:15 Choir
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Music Theory or Children's Choir
3:15 Music History or Conducting
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Orchestra or Music Philosophy
8:00 Homework
9:30 Curfew
9:30-2:00 Work on Homework

Yea, so that was my life for 3 weeks. My favorite was probably either song writing or Choir. We were able to write our own songs, then we were put into teams and we wrote orchestration pieces. I was able to meet many new friends. In my room, there were 5 girls. We had a crazy fun time together trying to study at night. Here are some pictures.
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 3 of my awesome roommates.  From right to left: Hannah #1Kitty, and Christaiana.

  Kitty and Hannah #2 working on our Orchestration piece.
 Hannah #1 and I.
 All my amazing roommates. From right to left: Hannah #2, Kitty, Hannah #1, Me, and Christiana.
 Us crazy people!!!!!

 Kitty asleep. This is how tired we were at the end of each night.

More coming soon.........

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Kitty sleeping beside the bed is so funny!
